Marathons I've conquered:
2007: North America: 111th Boston Marathon; Bib #21099
To see my official race results, clicky here!
Raised funds for Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy's ongoing nutrition research.
2008: Europe: Flora London Marathon; Bib #54641
To see my official race results, clicky here!
To see my timetable, clicky here!
To see my timetable, clicky here!
To see my pace graph, clicky here!
No associated fundraising with this race.
2009: Africa: 16th International Egyptian Marathon; Bib #163
To see my official Events Sports Diploma, clicky here!
No associated fundraising with this race.
2010 : Antarctica: 11th Antarctica Marathon; Bib #35
I took 1st in age category and 5th in women!
Check it, the taste of success!
To see my official race results, clicky here!
To see my official race results, clicky here!
To see my results alongside fellow racers, clicky here!
Raised funds for Oceanites's wildlife conservation efforts.
2013: Asia: The Great Wall of China Marathon; Bib #F262
My Asia marathon took me to Beijing, China. 26.2 miles and 5,164 stairs on the Great Wall of China itself!!!
To see my official race results, clicky here!
To see my results alongside women in my age group of 20-29, clicky here!
Raised funds for low-income high schools to receive free computer programming classes with ScriptEd

2017: Australia; The Western Australia Ironman; Bib #738
My Australia marathon was part of an Ironman race (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run) that my husband and I did together on our honeymoon, fulfilling a promise made to each other on our first date.
To see my official race results, clicky here!
To see my results alongside women in my age group of 20-29, clicky here!
No associated fundraising with this race.
Marathons on the Horizon:

2017: South America: The Inca Trail Marathon; Bib # to come
My South America marathon is tentatively slated as the Inca Trail marathon. The race route follows the original pilgrimage trail that leads into the religious capital of the Inca Empire, the legendary “Lost city of the Incas” - Machu Picchu!
Plan to raise funds for low-income high schools to receive free computer programming classes with ScriptEd